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The publishing process of second language versions has been greatly simplified!
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I only have a PDF file. Can I reuse text from it?
You can use your PDF files to calculate a reuse rate, however, the original files from which the PDF files were generated will be required for text reuse. Alternatively, your PDF files can be converted to text using OCR technology, but this will require additional work.
Do you support Excel and PowerPoint files?
No, only MS Word files are supported.
Is it possible to reuse text from Japanese/English files?
Yes, NextDoc works with most common languages.
The content of the source and target text does not match. Is that okay?
To answer this, we would need to see the files to gauge how much the text differ.
The contents of the old and new source files are similar, but the layout is quite different. Is that okay?
It can work depending on the content. We would need to see the files to gauge if text can be reused easily.
Is it possible to reuse the text in images?
If the image texts are part of the original files, this is possible.
Can I send indd or fm files?
Please only send the mif or idml files. When processing is finished, you will be able to import the result in your DTP application. There is no need to submit image links, etc.
I have a lot of materials to reuse text from. What should I do?
We suggest you request estimates for your different base files, or combinations of the same. You can do this with only PDF files. Once you have found the best and most cost-efficient file combination, you can place an order for NextDoc processing.
Do I need to proofread the reused text and newly delivered translation?
In theory, No. The text from your old files will be used exactly as it is, and if you are sure this text is error-free, then you need not proofread your new documents.
Is the DTP completed in the delivered file(s)?
There will be a need to slightly adjust text overflows in your new files and possibly to manually replace text captions in picture files.
Is the estimate from PDF files considered final?
As long as the text content in your original files is the same as in your PDF files, then the estimate provided should be correct.
Is it possible to deliver a memory such as tmx of all the text at the time of delivery?
As a separate service, we can generate a bilingual translation memory as tmx of each language in the delivery. This tmx file will contain all reused text and newly translated text.